Daniel William Sinclair
- January 1, 2024
Stop these 3 habits that destroy your confidence:
You procrastinate, I procrastinate, we all procrastinate, and it is the most normal thing, right? Wrong, it is one of the most destructive habits we have developed. Here are 5 reasons why you procrastinate and how to stop procrastinating.
Procrastination is the act of intentionally delaying or postponing tasks or actions that need to be accomplished, often replacing them with less important or enjoyable activities. It involves putting off important or necessary tasks until a later time, despite knowing that it may lead to negative consequences or increased stress. Procrastination is typically characterized by a lack of self-regulation, difficulty with time management, and a tendency to prioritize short-term pleasure or comfort over long-term goals. It can result in decreased productivity, increased stress levels, and a cycle of avoidance and guilt.
There are different reasons why we might procrastinate, and it is from person to person different. At this point, I want to share with you a small personal story.
I started many projects, including drawing, website projects that never got realized, a non-existent youtube channel, and many others. Great, yes, I did start. But did I continue? No, I did not. Why? Because everything literally needed to be fucking perfect, and I would always compare my work to those of my “seniors”.
As you can see in my case perfectionism kills my motivation to start a project. What is your excuse? Think about it as you continue to read how to stop procrastinating.
Let me provide you with some more reasons why you might be procrastinating right now. That is the reason you are here, right?
Are you feeling bored? Is the work you are doing so boring? So you start scrolling through youtube, Instagram, TikTok, watch Netflix, simply start playing a game, or take a nap because you do not know what else to do with your valuable time?
Perfectionism. My favorite. We compare our work to others’ work until we get fed up with redoing our work over and over again because we are not satisfied with the results.
A big task. That might also be another reason why you procrastinate. You just do not know how to break it down into smaller chunks and suffocate yourself in your workload.
Distractions. The underlying source of procrastination might be something simple as getting distracted while working on a task. In my case, I have a lot of tabs open while working. Some include tabs like youtube, chat.openai.com, my phone, and so on. If the task is not interesting enough, then those things might distract me.
My bad seems I got caught slacking. Well then, let us resume where we left off.
Lack of energy or feeling tired. Have you caught yourself wanting to take a nap? Delaying your work cause you can not find the power to tackle a task? This is also a reason for procrastination.
As you can see, a lot of those reasons go hand in hand. For example, being bored leads to distractions, or a big task leads to feeling bored, which leads to distractions… I could keep going, but that is not the reason you are here, right?
Do not worry. We got you covered, with some tips and tricks to help you stop procrastinating, and make the best out of your time.
Boredom and procrastination are closely related. Studies have shown that individuals prone to boredom are more likely to procrastinate.
Before giving you a scientific solution, let me tell you my perspective on this matter:
Any work you do without joy or passion will become boring. That is how I view things. I try to make the most tedious work, for example, updating a list, more exciting. How? Small things matter. Listen to music. After updating the list a little, move around and then work again. Just try to make your work as exciting as possible. Even if it means you have more breaks during work. At least you are getting it done, right?
Tackling work with the right mindset can make the difference between working and procrastinating. Do not tell yourself: “Oh, sucks, I do not want to do this.” Or, ” This is going to take hours!”.
Instead, try positive self-assertiveness like, “I can break this task into smaller chunks.” Or, “Easy peasy, lemon squeezy, this task will be done in no time, and then I can chillex and do not have to think about it.”
Having distractions near me like my phone or an unnecessary tab open only adds to my boredom, so I try to keep those out of my way.
Research suggests you manage your time effectively. For example, break down a big task into smaller chunks. First of all, the task does not seem as big anymore. Secondly, you can schedule those smaller tasks depending on how much time for your project you have. This can help you stay focused and motivated.
It is not just about managing your time with your tasks. Having a clear schedule throughout your day makes it easier to know when to stop one activity and move to the next one.
“Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.”
Kim Collins Tweet
The quote says it all. There is no perfection. Perfection is what slows us down, what holds us back. How? When you compare yourself to the work of your “mentors” which in your eyes are perfect, or you try to get every single detail perfect, then you lose valuable time and motivation. I have been at the same point as you guys are, and I know it is not easy to break out of certain habits.
Before I continue, keep in mind what worked for me, might not work for you. In my case, embrace your mistakes. It is alright to not be a Picasso, and be satisfied with this for example:
Now take your seats, kings, and queens. I am sure the throne I drew has many flaws, so what about it? Throughout the process, I added more skills to my arsenal and improved. And that is what matters, continuous improvement, instead of perfection. I promise you will get an even better seat next time.
The same approach works for other things than art of course. Set realistic goals so you do not disappoint yourself. And most importantly, treat yourself with kindness and compassion next time will be better.
Studies even go as far as to say that lower levels of self-compassion are related to greater endorsement of depressive symptoms.
It is easier said than done but stop being a perfectionist to stop procrastinating.
We already covered a little here, how to break big tasks into smaller ones and the importance of time management. There are some things left unsaid, let us dive into them.
Apart from breaking tasks into smaller chunks and scheduling your time effectively, it is important to prioritize tasks. So, how do I set priorities?
First of all, we suggest you do a to-do list so you know exactly what you need to tackle. Then break those tasks into smaller ones and schedule your time. Define the importance and value of each and prioritize those with higher priority.
Seek help when needed or delegate tasks to others if possible. There is no wrong done by asking for help when you are stuck. Most importantly, take breaks regularly and practice self-care. By getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising, and rewarding yourself with breaks and, treats you will be able to manage your stress and increase your productivity.
Practice self-discipline. I will not go into details about it here, as the scoop is too big. You will be sure to find a blog on it on our site in the near future.
I know you like that picture, do you not? The good old smartphone and its countless possibilities of distractions. How many times have you found yourself working on a task and suddenly:
Yeah, we all know that sound. The good old sound of a notification. The sound of distraction. Once you get to check your phone while working on a task, you will keep scrolling through social media, Youtube, etc. We want to help to prevent that, so you can stop procrastinating.
Get organized with your workplace. Identify possible distractions. For example, in my case, it would be my phone, unnecessary tabs such as Youtube, and an untidy working space.
Put those distractions out of your way. Set a timer, how long will you work? When will you take your break? When are you allowed to go on your phone again?
Once you have organized yourself, start working with a clear view of your goal and a positive mindset. Take breaks regularly as it helps your brain to rest and avoid distractions.
Damn I am tired of this, I am going to take a nap.
That is definitely not the way I am going to get done with my work. So how do I fight being exhausted to stop procrastinating? The first one might be obvious, get enough sleep.
Eat healthy, as a balanced and healthy diet can help give you sustained energy throughout the day. Trust me, you do not want to eat a whole plate of pasta right before work.
Stay hydrated, being dehydrated can cause fatigue and sluggishness. I am sure you have experienced it yourself already.
Exercise regularly. As it boosts your energy level and helps combat fatigue. I can say for myself the more I slack and I am being lazy, the lazier I will get. On the other hand, once I start moving and exercising, I start feeling more energetic and motivated.
Overall, leading a healthy lifestyle helps you feel less exhausted and more motivated. Not only do you overall feel better, but you also stop procrastinating. That is wonderful, is it not?
There are many ways to stop procrastinating, and we have not covered them all. Do not be disappointed and discouraged if you try and fail. The most important part is to get up and try again. I am sure you will succeed. After all, I managed to stop procrastinating and finalize this and a few other blogs! So, if I can do it, you can do it as well! Keep your heads up during hard times, surround yourself with people that believe in you, and motivate you to keep going and pushing yourself.
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
Nelson Mandela Tweet
As the quote says, it is all about perseverance and not giving up. Keep working, keep being productive, even if it is just a little. Day by day you will get better. The more you do, the more energy you will have. The less you do, the lazier you will feel. I am sure you have experienced this as well, right?
I know it is not always easy, sometimes you feel bored, you let your perfectionistic side out, the workload is too big, you are surrounded by distractions or you just simply feel exhausted. By following our tips and not giving up, you will succeed in getting your procrastination under control until you can stop procrastinating completely.
Always remember, keep your heads up high!
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