Best Way on how to Improve your Sleep fast


Sleep is often viewed as a luxury, but it’s actually an essential part of our daily routine. Without adequate rest, our health and well-being can suffer, and our quality of life may be compromised.

The benefits of sleep extend far beyond feeling refreshed in the morning. Getting enough sleep has been shown to enhance memory and cognitive function, improve mood and emotional well-being, and even bolster the immune system. On the other hand, chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to a host of health issues, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

If you’re struggling to get a restful sleep at night, you’re not alone. Luckily, there are measures you can take to improve your sleep and enhance its quality. In this post, we’ll explore some effective tips and strategies to help you achieve a better night’s sleep.

Fix your Sleep Schedule


By sticking to a sleep schedule you can improve your sleep quality. Our bodies have an internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, which regulates our sleep-wake cycle. By sticking to a consistent sleep schedule, we can help regulate this internal clock and improve the overall quality of our sleep.

Start by setting a regular bedtime, try to go to bed at the same time every night, even on weekends. It will help to regulate your circadian rhythm and make it easier to fall asleep.

Just as setting a regular bedtime, you should also wake up at the sime time every day. Waking up at the same time day by day helps regulate your body’s internal clock and also falling asleep faster at night.

Avoid napping, If you are having trouble falling asleep at night, it is best to avoid napping during the day. This ensures that at night you are tired enough to fall asleep at your regular bedtime.

Stay consistent. It is important to be consistent with your sleep schedule, even on weekends and holidays. Doing so will help your body’s internal clock to stay regulated and make it easier for you to maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

By sticking to a sleep schedule, you can improve your sleep quality, fall asleep faster and ensure that you are getting the rest you need to feel your best.

Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment


Creating a relaxing sleep environment is key to improve your sleep quality. Your bedroom should be a place of peace and relaxation, free from distractions and stressors that can interfere with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. 

  • Keep your bedroom cool. As a cool room temperature (around 60-67°F / 15.6 – 19.4 in °C) is ideal to sleep. It helps lower your core body temperature and signal your body that it is time to sleep.
  • Reduce noise. Use earplugs or a white noise machine to reduce noise levels in your bedroom and create a peaceful sleep environment.
  • Having a comfortable mattress and pillows is important to help maintain a comfortable sleeping position throughout the night. So do not be shy in investing into a good mattress and pillows.
  • Remove electronic devices from your bedroom. These can interfere with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine. Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath or reading a book. Build a consistent routine you follow daily before bed as preparation for bedtime.
  • Associate your bed with sleeping. Use your bed only for sleep and sex. This helps to establish a subconscious connection between sleeping and laying in bed.

If you follow these steps you are sure to create a more relaxing sleep environment which in the process helps you fall asleep faster and improves your sleep quality, so you can feel full of energy when you wake up.

Avoid Caffeine, Nicotine and Alcohol before Bed


Improve your sleep by avoiding caffeine (which is found in coffee, tea, soda and chocolate) nicotine and alcohol before bedtime and lets be honest our bodies do not benefit from any of those addicting drugs. While some may consume caffeine to stay awake, alert and more focused during work, consuming caffeine too close to bedtime can make it difficult to fall asleep. It’s important to limit your intake of caffeine in the evening hours in order to fall asleep easier.

Consuming nicotine which is found in cigarettes and other tobacco products is also a stimulant that may interfere with your sleep. In general smokers tend to experience more sleep disturbances which lead to a less restful night’s sleep.

Alcohol. Yes you heard it, a glas of wine, a bottle of beer, or passing straight out may seem tempting as alcohol is sedating,but later at night it can disrupt your sleep. How many times have you woken up in the middle of the night after drinking? Feeling thirsty or just straight up not being able to get a restful sleep? Restlessly moving around? Correct, everytime you have been giving into your addiction.

We want you to break free from these shackles, from these addictions. Not just for the sake of mastering your sleep, but also for your own well-being, health and to grow a stronger mindset.

Improve your Sleep by not going to Bed with a full Stomach


We’ve gone through why we should avoid taking certain substances before bed. Now we all love to eat right? The good thing is you unlike drugs you don’t need to abstain from eating. Avoid large meals and beverages before bedtime as they can cause discomfort and indisgestion which makes it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Our suggestion is to eat your last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime to allow time for digestion. Your sleep and body will thank you later.

What about drinking at night? Well, I am sure everyone has at least experienced it once in their lifetime, that drinking alot of fluids close to bedtime can lead to frequent trips to the bathroom. Nevertheless, it’s important to stay hydrated also throughout the night, one cup of water before going to bed should do the trick.

If you can’t fight the urge to eat before going to bed, then choose something light and easy to digest, such as a small piece of fruit or a handful of nuts.

Consider Supplements

If you are still struggling to fall asleep then we strongly advise you to consult with your healthcare provider first before taking any supplements, with that said we want to dig deeper into how ashwagandha could improve your sleep.

Ashwagandha is an herb that has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It is known for its stress-reducing and relaxation-promotion properties, which can help improve sleep quality. Ashwagandha is classified as an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body adapt to stressors and restore balance.

By now you are wondering how exactly ashwagandha helps you sleep better right? For one ashwagandha helps reduce cortisol levels, a hormone that is released in response to stress. Having high cortisol level can interfere with a restful night and lead to insomnia. So by reducing cortisol levels, ashwagandha can help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.

We’ve all been at this point at night, feeling anxious because of relationships, jobs, and all other sorts of things. The racing thoughts of anxiety can interfere with the ability to fall asleep. Thankfully, ashwagandha may also reduce anxiety and promote feelings of calmness due to its anxiolytic properties.

Hold on, before thinking about taking ashwagandha we want you also to consider other pros and cons of its usage:



  • Reduced inflammation: Ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Improved cognitive function: Some studies have shown that ashwagandha may improve cognitive function, including memory and attention.
  • Potential anti-cancer properties: More research is needed in this area, but less inflammation in the human body equals less risk of cancer.
  • Improved athletic performance: Ashwagandha has been shown to improve physical performance in some studies, potentially due to its ability to reduce stress and increase endurance.
  • May improve testosterone levels: Some studies have shown an increase of 15% more testosterone in men.
  • May cause drowsiness.
  • May not have the same effects or be effective on everyone.
  • Possible side effects could be upset stomach, diarrhea, or vomiting.
  • May lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  • Quality control issues: As with other products, it is important to choose a reputable brand and source when purchasing ashwagandha supplements.

My Experience with Ashwagandha

After hearing all of this you might wonder, does this guy actually have an actual experience regarding ashwagandha? The answer is simple, yes I do. I have been now consistently taking ashwagandha 1 hour before bed for more or less 4 months and here are my outakes so far:

  • Improved sleep quality

  • Less anxious and stressed during bedtime

  • More dreams and also vivid dreams

  • More energy in the morning

  • Feeling more focused and motivated during work
As for the negative effects you hear all around the internet, I did not experience any of them so far. My personal recommendation is between 250-600mg per day, as for the best time match it to your needs, if you want to feel more energized throughout the day you might want to take it in the morning whereas if you take it to feel relaxed and sleep better, take it at night. Generally we recommend you to take ashwagandha with food to help with absorption. Ultimately, it is best to follow the specific dosing and timing instructions provided by your healthcare provider or on the supplement label.

Recommended Products:

Organic India, Ashwagandha, 180 Vegetarian Caps

Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogenic herb used for centuries as a natural source of vitality.


It is now in your hands to take action to improve your sleep quality, to be a master of your sleep and to start with a healthy lifestyle. Take one step at the time and implement it in your daily routine. Do not overdue it by setting too many goals. As transforming a new behaviour into a habit can take quite some time.

Prioritize your goals and stick to them to become to best version of yourself. What are you waiting for? Start now, take action and get a restful night.

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